Library Collection

The Moravian-Silesian Research Library is building a universal library collection, acquiring and preserving the Czech professional non-periodical literature in relative completeness, and selectively complements fiction and children's literature. Special attention is paid to regional literature, which is obtained mainly on the basis of a legal deposit from publishers operating in the Moravian-Silesian Region. Thanks to the cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, publications from German-speaking countries are added. The Czech periodical obtains the library on the basis of the legal deposit, selectively complements foreign journals (mainly medical titles). MSVK also complements standards, electronic sources, audio documents (music CDs, audiobooks), audio-visual documents and builds a special collection for users with visual and hearing impairments. The library collection includes patent files, which were added until 2014 (patents are freely available on the website of the Industrial Property Office).

Type of document No of items (volumes)
books 684 265
cartographic documents, maps 7 128
serial publications (newspapers, magazines, periodical proceedings, annual reports, etc.) 173 127
sheet music 1 089
audio-visual documents (videotapes, DVDs) 678
audio documents (music CDs, audiobooks) 21 224
electronic resources on physical media 4 006
board games 667
norms & standards 69 575
patents 253 820
In total (as at December 31, 2023) 1 215 579


Regional Literature

Special attention is paid to the regional literature. The basis of the regional library collection is publications supplemented by the so-called legal deposit. These are books published in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The fund is also supplemented with books on regional topics and from publishers operating outside our region. Foreign literature in German or Polish is also acquired selectively. Older literature is purchased in secondhand books, possibly supplemented with gifts. If you want to donate printed publications about our region to the library, please contact

The MSVK also collects regional literature in electronic form. It digitizes important regional books and magazines from the 19th and 1st half of the 20th century. You can find this part of our collection in our Digital Library of the Moravian-Silesian Region. In addition to older literature, it also offers contemporary literary production on a regional theme, based on a contract with the author or publisher. For more information, please contact

Last update: 01.08.2024
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