Digital library

The Digital Library of the Moravian-Silesian Region contains the digitized documents important for the cultural, social, economic, political and religious history of the Moravian-Silesian Region. It includes mostly periodicals and books published in the 19th century and in the 1st half of the 20th century. The documents are preserved in various institutions (archives, museums and libraries) of the region. The digital library is being updated regularly.


Publications not available on the market

We provide registered users with digital access to up to 70,000 copyrighted monographs and periodicals that are no longer available on the book market. In our online catalogue, you can also find a link directly to the National Digital Library for specific titles. 
Detailed instructions can be found here
Login: eduID (select Moravian-Silesian Research Library in Ostrava from the list + enter username and password for the reader account).
List of works unavailable on the market
Includes a total of 154,177 monographs published up to 2007 and 2,408 titles of serials - their publication up to 2010.
Works in the National Digital Library database:
Public works (i.e. free works, without lock icon) - accessible
Works not available on the market (orange lock icon) - accessible
Non-public works (i.e. copyrighted, grey castle icon) - available only in the National Library of the Czech Republic
Restrictions: works are available for online reading only. It is forbidden to make any digital or printed copy. The service is provided by the National Library of the Czech Republic. 
Last update: 27.04.2022
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