Loan Services


If you want to borrow a print book from the library, you need to be registered user.

Use the catalog to find and order it. We will inform you as soon as it is available for pick up at the Lending Room. 

To return borrowed materials, use the return box (Bibliobox) located at the library entrance.


Print journals

New volumes of print journals can be found in the Periodicals Reading Room and must be used there. Older issues of journals are bound and placed in the storage, they can be checked out like books.


Interlibrary Loan Service

If you need a book or a copy of an article that our library does not have, we can order it for you. 

The request for the interlibrary loan service is entered through the library's online catalogue (top menu - ILL). Please let us know if you are interested in a copy and by when your request is up to date.

Interlibrary loan service is charged. Fee 70, - CZK includes postage and packing. If the lending library requires additional costs, the user is obliged to pay them in full. When a hard copy of the text is delivered, the sending library will determine the price.

In case the required document is not owned by any library in the Czech Republic, it is possible to mediate the International Interlibrary Loan Service (IILS). Information about the estimated price of this service will be provided to the user by an infopoint worker or an ILS staff.


For further questions, please, contact 

Last update: 01.08.2024
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