Services for impaired

We also welcome handicapped readers in our library. Library registration and all services are completely free. However, it is necessary to submit a ZTP / ZTP-P card, confirmation from eye or ear doctor (according to handicap). For visually impaired users, we offer a special collection (audio books, Braille books, board games for the blind, etc.), free mail-order service, a ZoomText computer (special software for enlarging and subtracting computer screens) and a supplement for the blind FriendlyVox, compensation aids - Picht typewriter, dymocle, etc., electronic book readers allowing visually impaired reading of enlarged text and camera magnifier for visually impaired (available in the magazine's study room).

For hearing impaired people we offer a special collection (DVD with subtitles for the deaf, CD-ROM with sign language teaching, etc.), induction loops in all departments of the library (registration, rental, study, counselling, bibliography, special funds department), excursions in sign language and the possibility to provide sign language interpretation at library events.

A special collection and services for the visually and hearing impaired are available in the Special Collections Department (town hall's left wing) every weekday from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Contact: Bc. Jana Slezáková, tel.: 586 138 270, e-mail:


We offer users with mental disabilities not only an extensive collection of printed books, audiobooks, music CDs, board games and magazines, but also the opportunity to work on the computer and access to the Internet.

Unfortunately, our library is not wheelchair accessible. However, to physically handicapped readers and users we offer individual assistance of librarians who are willing to answer any questions, but also to assist disabled readers in borrowing documents or accessing the Internet if necessary.

You will find a bell before entering the main building, on the right side of the front door. With this bell you will call a librarian who will continue to help you with registration, catalogue search or ordering. It is also possible to call and arrange a specific date and time of the visit.

Contact: Mgr. Marcela Tomášová, tel.: 596 118 881, extension 227, e-mail:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our librarians who will be happy to help or advise you.

Last update: 27.04.2021
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